Support the Community

Support the Small Giants Community while gaining exposure for your business’s products and services.
The Small Giants Community is a designated L3C organization, a hybrid between a for-profit and a nonprofit entity that prioritizes mission and social purpose.

About Small Giants Member Companies:

3-25 Years in Business
(Average 10)

$1-90M in Revenue
(Average $20M)

5-500 Employees
(Average 25)

The Small Giants Community influences nearly 8,000 leaders and organizations with 150,000 employees worldwide.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Small Giants Community Summit

The Small Giants Summit is a three-day gathering of purpose-driven leaders from around the world.
Each year, we come together to learn, connect, and celebrate. Learn more about the Summit.

Monetary Sponsorships:

Packages range from $2,500 snack break sponsors to a $50,000 presenting sponsor. Each package includes various levels of exposure and  involvement. View package details.

In-Kind Donations:

We’ve received generous donations of photography and videography services, stage decoration and signage, transportation, and attendee snacks to name a few.

Attendee Scholarships:

Sponsor a growing entrepreneur to attend the Small Giants Summit.


Click below to contact our team and get started!

Thought Leadership

The Small Giants Community produces monthly articles and leadership resources consumed by nearly 7,000 leaders around the world.
We love collaborating with other thought leaders to spread the word.

Monthly Topic Sponsor:

Your month of thought leadership sponsorship includes exposure in multiple emails, blog posts, social media posts, and a webinar. We’ll help you choose the right month and topic to reach leaders who would benefit from your products and services.

Ebook Sponsor:

Our quarterly ebooks are in-depth how-to guides and are among the most-read of all of our leadership resources. Your sponsorship includes contribution to ebook content and sponsorship acknowledgement.

Podcast Sponsor:

Podcast sponsorship includes audio commercials during the Growing with Purpose podcast, hosted by Small Giants Community co-founder Paul Spiegelman.

Click below to contact our team and get started!

Educational Scholarships

Leadership Academy Scholarship:

Sponsor a leader to take part in the Small Giants Leadership Academy, a one-year certification program that teaches next generation leaders how lead the Small Giants way and institutionalize purpose-driven practices into their teams or businesses. Learn more about the Leadership Academy.

$10,000 per student

Learning Hub Sponsorship:

Participants in the Small Giants Leadership Academy access homework and resources through an online learning hub. As a learning hub sponsor, your message will be seen regularly by motivated leaders.


Click below to contact our team and get started!

Have another way you’d like to support?

We’d love to chat! Click below to reach out.

Small Giants Community