Video Library

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Latest Recordings

Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community

Bo Burlingham
Small Giants Community

It’s hard to believe that it has been 15 years since Bo and Paul started the Small Giants Community! Like many of us, Paul was inspired by Bo’s book and that started a series of conversations, leading to them bringing purpose-driven leaders together as a Community.

Years later, the principles Bo wrote about in his book are stronger than ever, and we’ve seen the focus on culture and values become company differentiators. All of us continue to benefit from relationships and learnings with like-hearted leaders.

Join us as Paul and Bo take a walk down memory lane, share stories, challenges and what’s changed over the last 15 years. What happened to the original companies Bo wrote about? How has the Community evolved? Are there newer common characteristics of Small Giants companies? What are Bo and Paul up to now? Bring your questions for a genuine and touching fireside chat!

Want to see more videos?

Check out past recordings below.

15 Years in the Making

Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community

Bo Burlingham
Small Giants Community

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Reimagining the Client Experience

Deanna Walker
Venturity Financial Partners

Rane Lallier
VP of Client Experience
Venturity Financial Partners

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Speak-Up Culture

Stephen Shedletzky
Speaker, Coach, and Leadership Advisor

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Eyes on the Economy: Looking at Current Economic Trends to Help Plan Ahead for 2024

Devyn Bachman
Senior Vice President at John Burns Research & Consulting

Lesley Holland
Regional Director Portfolio Management at BNY Mellon Wealth Management.

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Better Than Fine: How to get more out of the questions you ask, starting with “How are you?”

Amber Johnson
Leadership and Strategy Consultant
and Former Chief Communications Officer
Center for Values-Driven Leadership

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Break the Ice: A Toolkit of Team Building & Bonding Activities

Heidi Baumgart
COO at Skidmore Studio

Lisa Whealon
VP of People and Culture at Deli Star

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Strive to Thrive: Employee Development Opportunities the Small Giants Way

Jennifer Trakhtenberg, Senior Talent Leader of ClearVision Optical

Missy Light, Training & Development Facilitator of Pegasus Logistics Group

Doug Kueker, Co-Founder & Chief Learning Solutions Officer of Vivayic

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Are You Recession Ready? What to Know About Our Economic Outlook

John Burns
CEO and Founder of John Burns Real Estate Consulting

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Develop and Retain Your Best Leaders: A Small Giants Panel

facilitated by Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community co-founder 

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The Future of Work with Steve Cadigan

Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community Co-Founder

Steve Cadigan
Author,Workquake: Embracing the Aftershocks of COVID-19 to Create a Better Model of Working

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Build Culture, Boost Growth with Employee Ownership

Delcie Bean
CEO of Paragus Strategic IT

Jerry Ripperger
VP of Stock Plan Services Consulting at Principal

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The Life-Changing Benefits Your Employees Really Want

Beth Rivera
Head of the People Team at UncommonGoods,

Khalilah “KO” Olokunola
VP of Human Resources for TRU Colors Brewing,

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Is Your Organization Prepared for the “Turnover Tsunami”?

Bob Glazer
Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author and Speaker, Founder & CEO at Acceleration Partners

JeVon McCormick
President & CEO of Scribe Media

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace

Jes Osrow
Co-Founder of The Rise Journey – HR, DEI, and Org Development Consulting & Head of Learning and Development at Quartet Health

MicheleLewis Watts, Ph.D.
Chief Equity Officer at Woods & Watts Effect & Director and Assistant Professor of Sport Management at Madonna University

Sommer Woods
Chief Inclusion Officer at Woods & Watts

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Fireside Chat with Jack Stack

Jack Stack and Paul Spiegelman

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How to: Hire and Onboard Virtually

Advice for Small Giants Leaders from Small Giants Leaders

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How to: Set a Vision and Goals

Advice for Small Giants Leaders from Small Giants Leaders

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How to: Support Your Team’s Mental Health

Advice for Small Giants Leaders from Small Giants Leaders

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5 Traits of High-Performing Teams

Amber Johnson, Ph.D.
Center for Values Driven Leadership

Jim Ludema, Ph.D.
Center for Values Driven Leadership

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Juggling Kids, Work, and a Pandemic: A Small Giants Roundtable

Advice for Small Giants Leaders from Small Giants Leaders

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Financial Outlook for Small Giants Companies

Chris McKee

Mackey McNeill
Mackey Advisors

Wayne Titus
AMDG Services

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The Process of Culture

Shawn Burcham

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Exit Options for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

Michael Whelchel
Big Path Capital

Zane Adams

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How to Preserve Mission & Values Through Exit & Growth Strategies

Michael Whelchel
Big Path Capital

Matt O’Hayer
Vital Farms

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How to Drive Business Results by Letting Your Employees Bring Their Souls to Work

Scott Moorehead
Culture of Good

Ryan McCarty
Culture of Good


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How to Bring Your Purpose to Life

Haley Rushing
The Purpose Institute

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Behind The Scenes: Mastering the Pre-work to Hire an Exceptional Candidate

Amy Whipple 
Purple Squirrel Advisors

Carrie Schochet
Purple Squirrel Advisors

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How Much to Spend on Company Culture to Truly Impact The Bottom Line

Mills Snell
Pendleton Street Advisors

Matt Morley
Pendleton Street Advisors

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A Small Giants Final Bow: How a Responsible Exit Strategy Impacts Your Legacy

Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community

Kris Maynard
Essential Ingredients

Jill Nelson
Ruby Receptionists

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Getting Started on Change

Brad Herrmann

Hai Nguyen

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Writing to Lead

Jim Kalb

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Evaluating Performance

David Dussault
P1 Ventures

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Screening for Value

Tom McCrary & Art Saxby
Chief Outsiders

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Banking on Community

Nick Sarillo
Nick’s Pizza & Pub

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Heroes, Lovers, Rebels and Brands (!?)

Sunny Bonnell

Ashleigh Hansberger

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Scaling Culture

Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community

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A Chat with Bo Burlingham

Bo Burlingham
Small Giants Community

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Coaching to the Positive

Nick Sarillo
Nick’s Pizza & Pub

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Mechanics of Value in the Workplace

Paul Spiegelman
Small Giants Community

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Value(s) of the Sale

Raul Candeloro

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Design Thinking

Beverly Ingle
Savage Brands

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Small Giants Community